Welcome to the Maddox Intermediate School Library. The MIS Library serves students, teachers, and families of Maddox Intermediate School. The MIS Library provides a well-balanced, diverse collection to best support our student body. Our library program strives to provide literature promotion, library and information literacy skills, and STEM activities through a set schedule of classes as well as flexible use opportunities.
Our goals are to:
-Provide students with an environment that fosters growth and exploration.
-Empower students with the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century.
-Provide access to a well-balance collection reflective of the needs of our school population
- Encourage reading for information and enjoyment.
Maddox Intermediate students may check out two books at a time. There are no overdue fines, but students with an overdue book will not be allowed to check out new books until a form is signed by their parents agreeing to pay for the book if it is not returned by the end of the school year.
The fee for a lost or damaged book is $20 to cover the library-bound replacement.
Julia Lightsey - Library Media Specialist
(205) 384-3235