What exactly does a school counselor do?
The school counselor is here to help promote and enhance the student's academic, career, and personal development. This is accomplished through a variety of strategies, activities, and delivery methods. The program involves, but is not limited to the following components and services:
- Guidance Curriculum - Classroom Guidance, Small Group Counseling, and School-Wide Programs (e.g. Red Ribbon Week)
- Individual Planning - Individual Counseling, Student Records, Testing, Transitional Services, & other duties
****Please note a Counselor will be available to help with student transfers from 7:55 to 9:00
- Responsive Services - Consultation, Crisis Counseling, Referrals
- System Support - Professional Development, Staff/Community Public Relations, Parental Involvement Activities, curriculum development, advisory committees, program management and operations, research and evaluation, and fair share responsibilities.
Is everything that transpires during a counseling session confidential?
As a school counselor, we are bound to the American School Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, which holds confidentiality as the most important code. This means that unless we are given permission by the student to share information, or there is possible danger involved, we will keep the contents of the session confidential. As counselors, we will encourage students to be open with their parents and will communicate as openly as possible with parents.
Where can I find information about important events at Maddox?
Information is found on the Maddox website at www.jasper.k12.al.us. Click on the Maddox Intermediate School link.
How do I find out how my child is progressing academically?
The school year is divided into four 9 week grading periods. Four and one half weeks into each grading period progress reports are sent home with students. Report cards are issued approximately one week after the ending date of each 9 week grading period. Check the student handbook for specific dates. You will want to continuously check your child's grades on the Chalkable Home Connect Portal where progress reports and grades are visible for parents. Follow the instructions below.
How do I check my child's grades on the Chalkable Home Connect Portal?
Visit our school website: jasper.k12.al.us
Scroll down side panel on left to Chalkable Home Connect
Chalkable Grade Portal
Username - stihome (no caps and no space)
Password - Portal1 (first letter cap and no space between Portal and 1)
* You will be required to complete these steps each time the program states "Authentication Required" and every time you go into the Chalkable Program to check your child's grades. The username stihome and the password Portal1 will not change. You will always use that username and password to get into the chalkable system.
You should now be on the Chalkable home page (this page has a Blue box in the center and has a username and password box in the center of the page). This username and password (provided upon request from the counselors or other school personnel) is student specific and should take you to your student's page. Here you can view grades for each nine weeks. Click activities button the the right of any grade to view any individual assignment, test, daily grades. etc...
Who should I contact when my child has a problem in a specific class?
Contact the individual teacher to discuss concerns in a specific subject. You may also call the school to set up an appointment with your child's team of teachers.
When should I call my child's Guidance Counselor?
Please feel free to call your child's guidance counselor if you have any questions about Maddox or your child has any concerns about our school. Sometimes students have difficulty in making the transition to a new school or have issues issues with friends. Another reason to call a counselor would be if there were situations within the family that might impact school performance.